Department pages

Sarah Brockhaus

Research fellow in the working group Biostatistics of Prof. Dr. Sonja Greven
from September 2012 to May 2017.

Contact: Sarah.Brockhaus[at]


Papers in Proceedings

  • Brockhaus S, Fuest A, Mayr A and Greven S (2015): Functional regression models for location, scale and shape applied to stock returns. In Friedl H and Wagner H, (eds), Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 117–122.
  • Brockhaus S, Scheipl F, Hothorn T, Greven S (2014): The functional linear array model and an application to viscosity curves. In Kneib T, Sobotka F, Fahrenholz J and Irmer H, (eds), Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 63–68.


  • Boosting historical functional models with an application to fermentation data. At DAGStat 2016, Göttingen, Germany, March 14-18.
  • Functional regression models for location, scale and shape applied to stock returns. At 30th IWSM 2015, Linz, Austria, July 6-10.
  • The functional linear array model estimated by boosting. At COMPSTAT 2014, Genf, Switzerland, August 19-22.
  • The functional linear array model and an application to viscosity curves. At 29th IWSM 2014, Göttingen, Germany, July 14-18.
  • Boosting functional regression models. At DStatG-Nachwuchsworkshop 2013, September 16-17, Berlin, Germany.

Current Preprints / Technical Reports / Submitted

  • Brockhaus S, Rügamer D and Greven S (2017): Boosting Functional Regression Models with FDboost.
  • Brockhaus S, Fuest A, Mayr A and Greven S (2016): Signal regression models for location, scale and shape with an application to stock returns. arXiv.
  • Rügamer D, Brockhaus S, Gentsch C, Scherer K and Greven S (2016): Boosting factor-specific functional historical models for the detection of synchronisation in bioelectrical signals. arXiv.
  • Horwitz R, Brockhaus S, Henninger F, Keusch F, Kieslich PJ, Kreuter F and Schierholz M (2016): Learning from Mouse Movements: Improving Questionnaire and Respondents’ User Experience through Passive Data Collection.


  • Brockhaus S and Rügamer D (2017): FDboost: Boosting Functional Regression Models, R package,
    on github, on CRAN



Semester Lehrveranstaltung
WiSe 2016/17 Vorlesung Statistik III für Nebenfachstudierende
SoSe 2016 Übung zu Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Inferenz II
WiSe 2015/16 Übung zu Schätzen und Testen I
SoSe 2015 Übung zu Gemischte Modelle
WiSe 2014/15 Seminar Funktionale Datenanalyse
WiSe 2014/15 Übung zu Schätzen und Testen I
SoSe 2014 Übung zu Statistik II
SoSe 2013 Übung zu Gemischte Modelle
WiSe 2012/13 Statistisches Praktikum in den Semesterferien
WiSe 2012/13 Seminar Funktionale Datenanalyse

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